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In-House or Outsourced Team: Which Is Better for Your Business? 

The decision between hiring an in-house vs. an outsourced marketing team can be stressful. When it comes to overall cost, you may be surpr ised to learn how and where the two differ. Download our comparison infographic and financial worksheet tool to see the comparisons for yourself.

Outsourced Marketing Team

When businesses are in need of marketing help, the first question is often whether to hire a full-time employee or give the overflow work to an outside organization or agency. This decision will ultimately depend on your company’s objectives, budget, and a plethora of other factors.

Hiring a full-time employee could be the right option for you. Hiring a marketing agency could also be the right option. Both have benefits and drawbacks. Knowing which is the right choice requires understanding the unique needs of your company and what fits into your overall strategy.

This Financial Model Gives Insights Into:

  • Total staff investment per hour, week, and year
  • Your company’s spend, based on hiring and objectives
  • Key marketing hires and its investment

Whether you choose to hire a marketing agency or an internal marketer,
do so with care. Ensure the candidate checks all of the necessary boxes
and brings the expertise and experience that you are looking for.

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The Model Allows You to:


Make a more informed decision


Weigh the costs of both paths


See clearly where your investment is going

A full-service digital marketing agency powered by experienced professionals can:

  • Develop demand generation momentum 
  • Bring together sales, marketing, and the customer experience to meet your revenue operations (RevOps) goals 
  • Develop an inbound marketing strategy 
  • Provide and implement an SEO strategy 
  • Optimize website performance and conversion rates
  • Develop content such as blog articles, guides, and more
  • Offer top-tier creative design
  • Manage social media accounts
  • Provide paid media and public relations services

When choosing the right marketing agency, you should consider several factors: 

  • Credibility: Search for reviews, ask for clients they've worked with, or ask for proven case studies and results. Check the bios of each staff and see if they have the capabilities to perform. 
  • Specialization in your industry: Does the digital marketing agency have experience or specialize in your business vertical?
  • Cultural fit: Is your business looking for digital marketers who are adventurous and test new things or who follow a more traditional approach? You should find a digital marketing agency that aligns with your approach and values. 
  • Budget and contract type: Consider budget and contract terms. Do they align with your financial model? Agencies typically work under retainer contracts per hour/point or by project. When considering budget, remember that you get what you pay for, and cheaper isn’t always better!

Outsourcing digital marketing to an agency allows more cost-effective campaigns executed at a higher speed than in-house marketing can typically accomplish. With a agency, you gain access to many more experts than you would in-house, providing the best results through collaboration with experienced digital marketing professionals. Often, a retainer with an agency is also less expensive than hiring a full-time marketing manager or full marketing department.

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